Canada's long fight against democracy

Contributors: Schalk, Owen, author.
2024, Book , 210 pages ;
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Summary/Review: "As part of subverting democracy abroad, Ottawa has cut off aid and imposed illegal sanctions in the hopes of turning the population against the targe more...
Summary/Review: "As part of subverting democracy abroad, Ottawa has cut off aid and imposed illegal sanctions in the hopes of turning the population against the targeted government. Canada has also financed opposition civil society groups and allowed protesters to use its embassy as a staging point to topple a president. They?ve even organized a secret international gathering to discuss overthrowing a popularelected leader, decided a marginal opposition politician was the legitimate president, and dispatched the Canadian military to subvert democracy. While government officials and the media regularly frame conflicts with geopolitical competitors as motivated by a belief in democracy, the authors debunk the notion that decision-makers in Ottawa are driven by promoting democracy abroad. Canada's Long Fight against Democracy is a sweeping overview of Canadian-backed coups since 1950. It documents Canada's contribution to the ouster of over 20 elected governments from Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran to Patrice Lumumba in Congo, Salvador Allende in Chile, and Jean Bertrand Aristide in Haiti."--
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